Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last day at McCrady

Thank God.

We're headed out super early, just after midnight. We have three stops on the way to Kuwait. Canada, Iceland and Germany. Roughly 24 hours of traveling and I haven't finished stocking up on beef jerky. We also have a bunch of briefs today that could have been distributed evenly about our 2.5 weeks here, but for whatever reason they decided to pack it in today, the day we need to just relax and finish packing.

Yesterday we did our convoy ops. It was alright, people 'died' and we all learned. Someone got a pic of me driving one of the humvees so if I can get that, I'll post it.


  1. Nothing like flying for 24 hours. Take care, be careful and call before you leave if you can.

    Love Ya!

  2. Riley,
    This is Aunt Linda and just want you to know that I am praying so hard for you, please be careful and take care of yourself. I will send you e-mails and pictures if you can receive them, just let me know.

    Aunt Linda

    P.S. Don't like to hear these things, it makes me worry:

    "Yesterday we did our convoy ops. It was alright, people 'died' and we all learned."
