Sunday, September 13, 2009

Where is my mind?

Four months now and 7 to go. The days are running together. In OCS we had a saying, "The days are long, but the weeks are short." That's to a T how it happens here. I count my weeks off by Fridays, and my days off by my conversations with Lisa.

There's been alot of civilian activity here lately. The embassy folks like to come here and discuss counterinsurgency all night over a campfire. Quite a few are dressed like hippies, so it quickly becomes, in my mind, a Kumbaya-Woodstock collaboration. Not that I'm against peace and all that, just that this is a military base. But hey, what the colonel wants...

My NCOs have seen some scary things the past few weeks, especially before the elections. They saw a guy shooting an RPG in the middle of town between them and another convoy. They were outside another base when an VBIED went off outside the gate. They missed it by minutes. And they were about 20 minutes from a location when another VBIED went off. We've gotten some lucky breaks here lately, I hope it continues.

My usually very adept team of Navy supply officers (myself and Tracy) has been a Navy of One lately. She's on leave, which, I feel, is an appropriate term. "Leave." Let it roll off your tongue. That's what she did....left me with a ton of work! This job is alot harder for one person, so I'm not sure how she did it over the 3 months before I got here (I am spectacular, by the way). Anyway, when she comes back, I'm disappearing for a few days so I can have a break from how crazy such a small base can be at times.

New laptop is here and works well. I had to uninstall all the useless drivel HP has pre-installed on every computer they make. Crap that takes up space and does very little. That's their software as far as I can tell. I'm also feeling much better after two bouts with sickness, one involving a temperature of 102 with vomit, and the other a temperature of 96.9 with dysentery. Yay Afghanistan!


  1. Riley, it is so nice to read your comments once again!
    I so look forward to the "colorful" way you put a spend on some things.
    Anyway, Beth & I are glad to see that you are hanging in there (like you're saying"what choice do I have')! I try not to listen to much to TV about things over there so that I do not get worried at about you.
    As always, Beth & I are keeping you in Our thoughts and prayers. We brag on you every chance we get to anyone who will listen to Us. I also want you to know that you're Mom had sent an email out asking Us to say a special prayer for you during the elections over there. I sent the request out to everyone on all of my emails lists including all Charlotte City Council Members that I have created working relationships with. Each of them emailed me back saying they had added you to their prayer lists. Maybe all that "hot air" from Politicians will help lift prayers quicker!
    Take Care,
    Carolyn & Beth

  2. i'm all for peace to but then again without war....where would i be. as sick as it sound man, i'm looking forward to some payback Army style. well i'm back at Ft. Bragg now and being able to see everybody has heightened my motivation. SF school has proven to be different so far. we started Monday with a quick 3 mile run, Tuesday we hit up our PT test(i ran the 2 mile in 13:26 then puked 3 times), Wednesday we ran 8 miles, Thursday we ran 6 miles and today, Friday, we ruck ran about5 miles. for those not sure what a ruck run is, get a book bag load it up with 50lb. of equipment and another 7 to 8 pounds of water then start running. scary isn't it. we'll man i hear you might be coming home for Christmas, that would be cool. i think i may be able to get off for Christmas as well. hope to see you. miss you a lot man love you too. talk to you later and remember keep your head down and never put your weapon down during a shoot out. the army taught us that if you get ambushed and it doesn't look good, then you keep shooting and take out as many as you can before you go down. the only reason you should be captured alive is because you were knocked unconscious. BTW Infantry doesn't get knocked unconscious. Love you man

  3. Very good to see you and Noah at Christmas, please don't make yourself scarce we love having you both and love you very, very much. Hope you both have a blessed New Year and I'm still praying for you both.
